Currently, I am a Warden on Parish Council at St. John the Divine, Arva, which is just north of London. Other roles that I enjoy at our church include Eucharistic Minister, Intercessor, Lesson Reader, Lay Delegate and Strategic Planner. Lay Delegate to Provincial and General Synod are other positions entrusted to me by the Diocese of Huron Synod.
As a Christian community, we at St. John’s are making strides to try new ways to meet the current challenges of being church.
As an elementary school teacher I received coaching training from Joyce & Showers, who were pioneers in the peer coaching field. Later, I also received training from the Adler Institute and the Ontario Principals' Council. After thirty years in education I retired as a school principal and took coaching courses from the Coach Training Alliance.
I have seen coaching make a successful difference for individuals and groups. Coaching encourages the discussions which lead to new outcomes in addressing the transition issues accompanying change.
In June 2017, I completed the two-year comprehensive training program in congregation and organization development provided by the Diocese of New Westminster’s Diocesan School for Leadership.
I first heard about congregational coaching at one of the early Lay Leadership Days. It sounded like a great idea and something I wanted to be part of. Since then, I have enjoyed working with a number of churches to assist them in making successful decisions for their future.